A therapeutic system supported with skeletal anchorage for the treatment of Class II open bite malocclusions. Skeletal Anchorage in Orthodontic Treatment of Class II Malocclusion. Mosby Ltd.,
Nutrition for enhancing bone volume in Mice. Osteoporosis. In Tech Publisher.
A limitation of molar distal movement -CBCT study-. 4th World Implant Orthodontic Conference (第4回世界インプラント矯正歯科学会) (Sydney), 招待講演.
A safety and reliable implantation method established by using a torque controllable hand driver. 3rd World Implant Orthodontic Conference (第3回世界インプラント矯正歯科学会) (Verona), 口演発表.
Innovation of mini-screw implantation method and instruments to achieve the high success rate. The 2nd International Conference on Orthodontic Treatment (広島), 招待講演.
Innovation of implantation method and instruments in self-drilling screw to achieve highly success rate. 2nd World Implant Orthodontic Conference (第2回世界インプラント矯正歯科学会), 招待講演.
Enhancement of screw stability under varying twisting torques. 2nd Asian Micro Implant Anchorage Congress (第2回アジアマイクロインプラント学会) (Daegu), ポスター発表.
Establishment of reliable implantation method of mini-screw: Investigation by animal experiment and clinical survey. 2nd Joint Meeting of the Korean Association of Orthodontists and the Japanese Orthodontic Society (第2回日韓ジョイントミーティング) (Seoul), ポスター発表.
Stability of mini-screw examined by animal study and clinical study. 6th Asian Implant Orthodontics Conference (第6回アジアインプラント矯正歯科学会) (Taichung), 口演発表. 最優秀口演賞受賞
Effect of sex hormone and TGF-B1 on bone growth in newborn mice. 2nd Hiroshima International Conference on Education and Science (Hiroshima),ポスター発表.
Castration decreases trabecular density of mandible in newborn mice. 80th Congress of European Orthodontic Society (第80回ヨーロッパ矯正歯科学会) (Denmark), ポスター発表.
Changes in TGF-b1 in newborn mice under sex hormone disturbance. 51st Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research (大阪), ポスター発表.
Effect of sex hormone and TGF-beta1 in newborn mice. 79th Congress of European Orthodontic Society (第79回ヨーロッパ矯正歯科学会) (Prague), ポスター発表.